

24/05/2023 - 11:52:15




By Per-Ake Persson

May 20, Bialystok, POL, Knockout Promotions
10x3, m: Kamil Szeremeta, Pol  TKO 4 (not out)  Nizar Trimech, Fra
Trimech was down in the third, under heavy pressure at the end of the round and was retired by his corner.
8x3, c: Krzystof Wlodarczyk, Pol  TKO 7  Sylvera Louis, Can
Louis was floored in the seventh and as "Diablo" followed up it was stopped.
6x3, sm: Rafal Wolczecki, Pol  TKO 2  Pavel Albrecht, Cze
Albrecht was floored three times in the first and twice in the second before it was stopped.
6x3, lh: Jan Czerkiewicz, Pol  TKO 2  Jiri Kroupa, Cze
Kroupa was floored late in the second and the towel came in.
6x3, lh: Petro Lakockij, Ukr  TKO 2  Mateusz Tryc, Pol
Both were hurt in the fifth but later Tryc went down and it was stopped.
6x3, m: Kamil Gardzelik, Pol  TKO 1  Vojtech Majer,
4x3, w: Mateusz Wojtasinski, Pol  TKO  Bazargur Jugder, Cze

Marian Herreria

May 20, Revilla de Camargo, SPA:
8x2, f: Marian Herreria, Spa  W8-U  Karla Merida, Spa
78-76 and 77-75 twice. This was suppposed to have been a title defence by Merida at suer bantam but due to weight problems the title was not at stake.
4x2, miniw: Maria Luz Peral, Spa  W4-U  Greta Del Fabbro, Ita
40-36 twice and 40-34.

May 20, Etxarri Aranatz, SPA:
6x3, w: Joseba Diaz, Spa  W 6 (58-56)  Olmo de Paz, Spa

May 20, Monza, ITA:
Thomas Essomba, 53.200, GB  W 12 UD  Alessio Lorusso, 53, Ita
(EBU bantamweight title)
scores: 117-111, 116-112, 116-112
Alessio Spahiu, 107, Ita  TKO 5  Enea Keci, Ita
Jonathan Kogasso, 90.600, Ita  W 6  Sergiu Sinigur, 87.700, Ita
Mohamed El Maghraby, 83, Ita  W 6  Franco De Mita, 80.300, Ita/Geo
Morgan Moricca, 69.700, Ita  W DQ 4  Marco Delmestro, 69, Ita
Francesco Paparo, 60, Ita  W 6  Pietro Caputo, 60.400, Ita
Christian Chessa, 55, Ita  TKO 5  Aziz El Ghouiyal, 56.200, Ita

May 20, Bologna, ITA:
sw: Kevin Mustafaj, Ita  W 6  Dimitrije Djordjevic, Ser

May 20, Pescara, ITA:
w: Luigi Alfieri, Ita  W 8  Federico Schinina, Arg/Ita
m: Ivan Guarnieri, Ita  W 4  Angelo Leonzio, Ita

May 20, Foligno, ITA:
ft: Matteo Petriccioli, Ita  W 6  Michele Sensini, Ita

May 20. Munich, GER, Lions Sport Promotion, bdb
8x3, sm: Emre "Lion Jr" Cukur, Ger  W8-U Tomas Bezvoda, Cze
6x3, smn: Anthony Zaulig, Ger  W6-U  Slavisa Simeunovic, B-H
6x3, sm: Alexander Rigas, Ger  W6-U  Milos Janjanin, B-H
4x3, m: Muzamiru Kakande, Ger  TKO 2 (not out)  Stefan Markovic, B-H
6x3, m: Ismail Airoud, Ger  KO 2  Luka Miladonovic, B-H
4x2, l: Songuel Ayten, Ger  TKO 3  Nikolett Szabo, Hun

May 20, Locarno, SWI:
Riccardo Nasser, 63,1, Swi  TKO 3  Bozidar Ilic,Ser
28 days medical suspension for Ilic.
Georgi Svechev, 79,8, Swi  TKO 7  Nenad Pesic, 80,8, Ser
28 ddays medical suspension for Pesic.

May 20, Aubenas, FRA:
sf: Jordan Rodriguez, Fra  W6-U  Malcol Velazco, Col

May 20, Gaillard, FRA:
m: Lakhdar Ouzar, Fra  W6-U  Houcine Moulahi, Fra
59-55 twice and 60-54.
m: Jonathan Bouillot, Fra  TKO 4  mickael Diemunsch, Fra
w: Naim Bellahcene, Fra  W6-U  Vrgile De Gonzaga, Fra
sm: Stephane Le Gourrierec, Fra  W4-M  Tiogum Nguimeto, Fra

May 20, Angers, FRA:
sl: Matheo Rousseau, Fra  W6-U  Shota Jvaridze. Geo
w: Dassa Namana, Fra  W6-U  Kevin Jamois, Fra
57-56 twice and 58-55.

May 20, Aire-sur-la-Lys, FRA:
lh: MArtin Owono, Fra  W6-M  Anthony Beccaria, Fra
59-55, 58-56 and 57-57.

May 20, Saint-Ouen, FRA:
w: Lyad Tormos, Fra  W6-M  Yehor Priadko, Est
59-55, 58-56 and 57-57.
sl: Gael Kebe, Fra  W 4 (39-37)  Mohamed Drici, Fra
w: Hugo Morel, Fra  TKO 1  Tahar Belkhir, Fra
sm: Rachid Bello, Fra  TKO 1  Daviti Badurashvili, Geo
m: Jugurtha Rebahi, Fra  W4-M  Beka Murjikneli, Geo
39-38 twice and 37-37.

May 20, Castres, FRA:
lh: Cedric Severac, Fra  W 6 (58-56)  Kristjan Djakovic, Ser

May 20, Sartrouville, FRA:
sl: Imrane Bentchakal, Fra  W 6  Nathan Augustine, Fra
?x2: Jeyssa Marcel, Fra  TKO 4  Nana Dokadze, Geo
sl: Ismail Guetarni, Fra  D 4 (38-38) Mehdi Bouzorene, Fra
sl: Bakari Diallo, Fra  TKO 2  Valkhtrang begashvili, Geo

May 20, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, SPA, Pancho Camurria Pavilion, Toro Rojo Team
c: Adasat Rodriguez, Spa  W 6  Alvaro Terrero, Spa
b: Jacob Barreto, Spa  W 4  Kevin Trana, Nic/Spa

May 20, Las Palmas, SPA, Jesus Telo Sports Centre, Premierboxing Intercanarias
4x2, sbEva Cantos, Spa  W4-S: Davinia Perez, Spa
39-37 on all cards, 2-1 Cantos.
m: Alcorac Caballero, Spa  W4-U  Eligio Palacios, Spa

May 20, Aranda de Duero, SPA, Santiago Manguan Sports Centre
sw: Jon Perez, Spa  W4-U  David Bency, Nic/Spa

May 20, Veinna, AUS, Sofiensale, bdb
10x3, sw: Ahmet Simsek, Aus KO 9  Ahmadi Isakhan, Aus
Simsek won the WBLeague International super welter title.
6x3, h: Sasa Milenkovic, Aus  TKO 1  Luka Filka, Ser
6x3, lh: Harry Strikez (Harald Pfingstl), Aus  TKO 3  Lulzim Muaremi, Ger
6x3, sm: Michael Klempert, Ger  TKO 6 (not out)  Djordje Berak, Aus
4x3, w: Philipp Kohler, Aus  TKO 1  Roland Hamar, Hun
4x3, m: Raphael Anderle, Aus  W 4  Csaba Toth, Hun
4x3, c: Petar Baletuc, Ser  TKO 1  Achilles Szabo, Hun

May 19, Zlotow, POL, Tymex
sw: Yewgienij Makarczyk, Pol  W10-S  Lukasz Maciiec, Pol
97-93 and 98-92 Makarczyk and 96-94 Maciec after a close, messy affair.
6x3, sw: Tomasz Nowicki, Pol  KO 5  Johan Perez,
m: Kamil Kudzieri, Pol  W6-S  Artjom Rasnik, Pol
59-54 and 58-56 Kudzieri and 58-56 Rasnik.
sf: Pawel Brach, Pol  W4-U  Karol Siwak, Pol
40-34 twice and 40-33. Siwak hurt in the first and second, floored in the third but ran in the fourth and lasted the distance.
c: Wasyl Halycz, Pol  W4-U  Bartosz Kwiatkowski, Pol
58-56, 59-55 and 60-54.

May 19, Coria del Sol, SPA: Guadalquivir Stadion
10x3, f: Juan Jesus Antunez, Spa  TKO 4  Jon Martinez, Spa
Antunez won the vacant Spanish featherweight title.
Rafael Acosta, Spa  W6-U  Otto Gamez, Spa
59-55 twice and 59-56.
sw: Oscar Diaz, Spa  W6-U  Dumitru Vicol, Rom
sm: Artem Garibian, Rus/Spa  W4-U  Jesus Lobeto, Spa

May 19, Torrelodones, SPA:Casino Gran Madrid, KO Boxing
l: Antonio Collado, Spa  W10- U  Brian Pelaez, Spa
Collado won the Spanish lightweight title on scores of 96-94 on all cards.
8x2,sw: Miriam Gutierrez, Spa  W8-M  Patricia Martin, Spa
Gutierrez won the vacant Spanish female super lightweight title on scores of 77-75 twice and 76-76.
6x2, fly: Kato Mendoza, Col/Spa  KO 2  Alex Tirado, Spa
6x2, sf: Alba Sanchez, Spa  W6-U  Immacolata Mancusi, Ita
59-55 twice and 60-54.

May 19, Varpalota, HUN:
Angi Nagy, Hun  W4-U  Dunja Bocan, Hun
Daniel Takacs, HUn  TKO 2  Vanja Dumitrov,
Balint Balogh, Hun  TKO 2  Gyula Rozsas, Hun

May 19, Hyeres, FRA:
m: Bruno Surace, Fra  W8-U  Milos Jankovic, Ser
lh: Mehdi Benzebir, Fra  W6-U  Aleksandar Petrovic, Ser
60-54 twice and 59-55.
sm: Pierre Rosadini, Fra   W4-U  Amine Mohamedi, Fra

May 17, Paris, FRA:
10x2, s-fly: Clara Lescuet, Arg  TKO 8  Daniela De Jesus, Bra
Lescuet retained the WBA female super flyweight title.
10x3, l: Yurik Mamadov, Fra  W10-S  Reuquen Cona Facundo Arce, Arg
Mamedov won the vacant IBA I-C lightweight title.on a split decision, 96-94 both ways and 97-93.
sw: Bilel Jkitou, Fra  TKO 5  Omir Rodriguez, Pan
sl: Khlil El Hadri, Fra  W6-U  Sylvain Chapelle, Fra
lh: Lenar Perez, Cuba/?  KO 7  Julio Cesar Calimeno, Col

May 17, Lille, FRA:
10x2, sf: Licia Boudersa, Fra  W 10  Marisa Belen Rojas, Arg
Boudersa won the vacant WBA female super featherweght title on scores of 100-90x3.
sb: Franck Mombey, Fra  W8-U  Lazar Pantic, Ser
c: Seydi Coupe, Fra  TKO 3  Stefan Mihalov, Ser
m: Zaire Fataki Tshitenge, Fra  W6-U  rodrigue Bayle, Fra
6x2, sw: Priscilla Peterle, Fra  W6-U  Ester Konecna, Cze

May 17, Traunreut, GER, bdb
sm: Fedor Michel, Ger  TKO 2  Victor Hugo Exner, Arg
w: Adel El Garmaoui, Ger  KO 6  Eber Tobias, Col
h: Erik Pfeifer, Ger  TKO 2  Pavel Sour, Cze
Sour floored four times.
w: Rudolf Hoffmann, Ger  TKO 2  Mike Jurik, Cze
Jurik was down in the first and twice more in the second.
h: Mike Lehnis, Ger  TKO 2  Aleksa Kesic, B-H
Kesic was floored in both the first and second.
sm: Alexander Wasenmiller, Ger  W4-U  Slobodan Vukic, B-H

May 14, Castelletto sopra Ticino, ITA:
l: Matteo Impieri, Ita  W 6  Andrea Piras, Ita

May 6, Ekaterinburg, RUS, RMK Boxing Promotion LLC
Magomed Kourbanov, 69,05,  W12-S  Michel Soro, 69,65, Fra
115-113 both ways and 116-112 Kourbanov. I had it 117-113 Soro.
Evgeny Tishchenko, 91,85,  W10-S  Yves Ngabu, 90,75, Bel
96-94 and 98-92 Tischchenko - and 99-91 Ngabu.
Zhora Hamazaryan, 59,98,  W10-U  Francisco Fonseca, 59,92, Nic
96-92, 95-93 and 99-89. Fonseca was down in the first and fifth.
Maxim Chernichuk, 66,45,  W8-U  Igor Adleiba, 66,65,
80-72, 78-74 and 79-73.
Oganes Ustyan, 64,95, W8-U   Evgenii Pavko, 64,55,
77-75, 78-74 and 80-72.
Magomednuri Magomedov, 66,35,  D8-S  Bobousmon Baturov, 67,1, Uzb
77-75 Magomedov, 76-76 and 78-74 Baturov.
6x3: Aleksei Egorov, 90,7,  TKO 2 (0.28)  Vladimir Zhigaylov, 91.95,
zhigaylov was down in the first. 10-8x3.
Sergey Lubkovich, 67-55,  W8-U  Vadim Lubsanov, 67,5,
77-75 twice and 79-73.
8x3: Alexander Dorofeev, 100,7,  TKO 7 (not out)  Miszohidjon Abdulaev, 109,0, Uzb
60-54x3 after six for Dorofeev.
Maxim Babanin, 117,0,  W6-U  Yuri Bykhautou, 97,7, Blr
6x3: Ivan Chirkov, 58,6,  TKO 5 (1.32)  Bislan Bekukh, 58,5,
40-36x3 Chirkov after four.

Per-Åke Persson