

01/05/2024 - 10:39:41




By Per-Ake Persson

April 27, Nuremberg, GER, KIA Metropole Arena, Dream Boxing (Jürgen Brähmer), bdb
12x3, c: Huseyn Cinkara, Ger  TKO 2 (1.06) Armend Xhoxhaj, Ger  
Cinkara won this IBF eliminator with a surprisingly dominating performance. He hurt  the fragile Zhoxhaj early in the first and in the second he rocked the Albanian with a right uppercut and later floored him, Xhoxhaj was out of it and the towel from trainer Jürgen Brähmer rescued him.
10x3, lh: Ardian Krasniqi, Ger  KO 2 (1.52)  Andreas Masold, Ger
It was too easy for Krasniqi as he retained the German - BDB - title. Masold was down twice in the first and twice more in the second and was counted out.  He didn't look prepared and didn't try too hard either.
8x3, sw: Labinot Xhoxhaj, Ger  TKO 3  Semir Dautovic, B-H
8x3, c: Thorsten Fuchs, Ger  TKO 2 (not out)  Gregory Garcia, Ven
8x3, h: Renke "Drago" Wittke, Ger  TKO 2  Aleksa Kesic, B-H
6x3, w: Valon Ahmeti, Ger  TKO 1  Marek Polak, Cze
4x3, c: Hilal Manah, Ger  TKO 2  Branko Kenjalo, B-H

April 27, Quakenbrück, GER, Artland Arena, bdb
12x3, lh: Kambis Rahmani, Ger  TKO 4  Almir Skrijelj, Mne
Rahmani, already interim king, won the vacant WBFed light heavyweight title.
10x3, c: Daniel Weinbender, Ger  W 10  Irakli Alanidze, Geo
Weinbender won the WBFed Int'l cruiserweight title
4x3, sm: Tijan Kebbeh, Swe  TKO 1  Benjamin Skender, B-H
8x3, lh: Caglar Cenic, Ger TKO 3 Michael Obin, Swe/Uga
8x3, w: Ilyas Can Kali, Ger  TKO 3  Nicolaus Michael Mdoe, Tan
4x3, c: Erkan Doru, Ger  KO 2  Mario Lenz, Ger
4x3, m: Daniel Meier, Ger  W 4  Goga Gogashvili, Geo
4x3, m: Nick Bier, Ger  W 4  Mazen Gierke, Ger

April 27, Madrid, SPA, Gimnasio del Rayo Vallecano, Rimer Boxe
6x3, sm: Jose Luis Navarro Jr, Spa  W6-U  Carlos Mena, Spa
59-54, 58-56 and 57-56. Mena was decked in the 4th and that decided the fight.

April 27, Elche, SPA:
6x3, sw: Ruben Ochoa, Spa  W 6  Ruben Zamora, Nic/Slo
m: Liam Walsh, Ire  W 6  Kalin Simeonov, Bul
4x3, c: Jason Myers, Ire  KO 2  Eduardo Sacramento da Silveira, Bra/Ita
l: Juan Jose Farias, Arg  W 4  Todor Petrov, Bul
4x3, sm: Albert Gonzales, Spa  KO 1  Bogdan Stoilov, Bul

Rakyb Mohamed Radji

April 27, Menton, FRA:
10x3, fly: Rakyb Mohamed Radji, Fra  W10-S  Theo Ticout, Fra
French flyweight title.
6x3, sl: Keshan Jacoby Koaly, Fra  D6-S  Eduardo Valverde, Nic/Spa
59-55 Koaly, 57-57 and 58-56 Valverde.
sm: Damien Lacoudrav, Fra  W4-U  Amine Mohamedi, Fra
40-36x2, 39-37.

April 27, Marseille, FRA, Salle Vallier,
10x3, sf: Samir Ziani, Fra  W10-U  Jordan Rodriguez, Fra
Ziani retained the WBC Int'l Silver title on scores of 99-90, 97-92 and 96-93.
6x3, f: Riad Labidi, Fra  W 6  Rodrigo Matias Areco, Arg
8x2, f: Emma Gongora, Fra  D8-S  Martina Righi, Ita
78-75 Gongora, 76-76 and 77-75 Righi.
6x3, sw: Melvin Moreau, Fra  TKO 3  Mahmoud Taha, Fra
6x3, m: Gianni Carullo, Fra  TKO 3  Mondhor Yacoubi, Fra

April 27, Vendome, FRA:
10x2, fly: Marie Connan, Fra  W10-U  Micaela Alejandra Granadino, Arg
Connan won the IBO title on scores of 96-94 and 97-93 twice.
m: Ephrem Bariko, Fra  TKO 3  Peio Boulin, Fra
m: Yurik Martirosyan, Fra  W4-M  Mehdi Fayad, Fra
39-37 twice and 38-38.

April 27, Cazouls les Beziers, FRA:
8x2, l-fly; Selma Renier, Fra  W8-U  Souad Masmoudi, Fra
Renier won the French title on scores of 79-73 twice and 77-75.

Apr. 27, Lastra a Signa, ITA:
sw: Paolo Bologna, Ita  TKO 7 (Rtd)  Mirko Di Carlantonio, Ita
(vacant UBO Intercontinental super-welterweight title)
sm: Alessandro Ruggiero, Ita  TKO 3 (Rtd)  Muhamed Seferovic, BA
sm: Alia Balde, Gui/Ita  KO 3  Rasim Alunovic, BA
sl: Simone Vanni, Ita  W 6  Nikola Ivkovic, BA
l: Brandon Cerra, Ita  KO 2  Damian Milekovic, BA

Apr. 27, Benevento, ITA:
sw: Francesco Mignone, Ita  W 6  Ricardo Mellone, Ita
* (birth name: Ricardo Pompeo Mellone)
w: Andrea Izzo, Ita  W 6  Luigi Mantegna, Ita
sl: Giovanni Soriato, Ita  W 6  Simone Carlin, Ita
sft: Antonio Mennillo, Ita  W 6  Emiliano Salvini, Ita

Apr. 27, Calangianus, ITA:
b: Cristian Zara, Ita  W 6  Joel Sanchez, Nic/Spa

April 27, Panama, PAN:
10x2: Laura Wollenmann, 50,8, Col/Swi  W10-S  Angela Nolasco, 50,6, Mex

April 27, Basel, SWI:
Arnold Gjergjaj, 116,6, Swi  W10-U  Dennis Lewandowski, 123,1, Ger
Jerome Haller, 70,7, Swi  W6-U  Martin Balog, 69,7, Cze

April 27, Biel/BIenne, SWI:
Chritopher Mouafo, 63,5, Swi  W8-U  Sagar Chaudry, 63,0, Ind
Angel Roque, 76,2, Swi  W8-U  Ahmed Dananovic, 75,7, B-H
Bryan Fanga, 66,6, Swi  W6-U  Alan Velazquez, 66,6, Arg

April 27, Hamburg, GER; CU Arena,  bdb
10x3, l: Nenad Stancic, Ger W10-U   Yelson Suarez, Ven
Stancic won the Int'l German - BDB - lightweight title after a very peaceful performance by Suarez - it was in fact so peaceful he should have been dq:d for the way he "fought".
8x3, w: Sebastian Formella, Ger  TKO 5 (not out)  Sergio Dos Santos Carvalho, Bra
6x3, c: Ammar Abduljabbar, Iraq/Ger  TKO 2  Mikheil Khutsishvili, Geo
lh: Edison Demaj, Ger  D6-S  Przemyslaw Gorgon, Pol
59-55 Denah, 57-57 and 59-55 Gorgon.
4x3, m: Kristiano Howhaj, Ger  KO 2  Kamil Zemanek, Cze
6x3, c: Yasin Basar, Ger  TKO 1  Williams Ocando, Col
sl: Alexander Hoffmann, Ger  W6-U  Eduardo Cordovez, Ven
6x3, h: Temur Mamoyan, Ger  TKO 2  Gianluca Di Florio, Itasw:
sw: Suat Oral, Ger  W4-U  Richard Walter, Cze

April 27, Gent, BEL:TopSport
10x3, lh: Shalva Guchmazovi, Geo  TKO 2  Timur Nikarkhoev, Bel  
 Nikarkhoev overcame some trouble in the first to hurt and floor his opponent late in the round. In the second "The Butcher '' Guchmazovi went after his opponent, who decided to punch with the puncher and was floored by a right and was hurt. Guchmazovi followed up and the two traded punches but the Belgian was wobbly, took a beating and it was stopped. The Belgian title was at stake and they gave Guchmazovi the belt - but was it really at stake for him?
sw: Christophe Mbori Endanga, Fra  W8-S  Cristofer Torres, Bel
76-75 on all cards, 2-1 in favor of Endanga.
6x3, l: Mogmad, Youssoupov, Bel  W6-U  Anthony Deloffre, Fra
6x3, m: Geoffrey Van Steenberghen, Bel  W6-U  Kevin Deloffre, Fra
6x3, lh: Steve Eloundou Ntere, Bel  W6-U  Fabrice Lewis Menanaye, Fra
58-56 tiwce and 59-54.

April 27, Iamm, FRA:
sw. Romain Lehot, Fra  W6-U  Ali Yammouni, Fra

April 27, Auch, FRA:
sl: Dassa Naman,a, Fra  W8-U  Sergio Javier Escobar, Arg
78-74 twice and 77-75.
sl: Sabri M'Hamadi, Fra  D6-M  Garik Mstoyan, Fra
57-57 twice and 58-56 Mstoyan.
6x3, m: Gaston Due, Fra  W6-U  David Afonso Pereira, Fra
6x3, sf: Mayson Creygolles, Fra  W6-M  Pierre Vagnet, Fra
58-56, 58-57 and 57-57.

April 27, Saint-Louis, FRA:
w: Nurali Erdogan, Fra  W6-U  Jovan Stojiljkovic, Ser

April 27, Wattignies, FRA:
f: Djamel Hadjba, Fra  TKO 3  Davit Shervashidze, Geo
sb: Mohamed Allalia, Fra  W 6 (60-54)  Bacho Jintcharadze, Geo

April 27, Abbeville, FRA:
sw: Anthony Lame, Fra  W 4 (40-36)  Avend Yassin, Fra

April, 27, Bruges, BEL:Sporthal Tempelhof
lh: Robin Barbiuax, Bel  W 8  Andrej Sanjura, Mda
sl: Alessandro Trabucco, Bel  W 6  Ghenadie Gitlan, Mda
sl: Shamshad Aramkhel, Bel  D 6  Mihai Anton, Mda

April 27, Liepaja, LAT:
a big martial arts event.
10x3, m: Bohdan Sobol, Ukr/Lat  KO 3  Juan Ruiz, Ven
Sobol ended mattres with a left hook to the body and retained the IBA I-C title.
4x2, sw: Beatrice Rozentale, Lat  W 4  Ester Konecna, Cze

April 27, Timisoara, ROM, FB Promotion
Biea Fighitng Championship IV
8x3, m: Flavius Biea, Rom  TKO 3 (not out)  Darleys Perez, Col
h-sm: Mihai Nistor, Rom  TKO ?  David Zegarra, Peru
Zegarra was well out of shape.
8x3, h: Christian Hammer, Rom  vs Pavel Sour, Cze
Sour pulled out late due to "injury" - but it could he had another date this evening.
sm: Florian Andrei, Rom  TKO 2  Laszlo Fekete, Hun  
l: Ciprian Sofian, Rom  KO 1  Yanko Naydenov, Bul
l: Stefan Slavchev, Bul  W4-U  Daniel Mutiu, Rom
sm: Claudio Ienci, Rom  KO 2  Tudor Costeniuc, Mda
m: Daniel Badulescu, Rom  W 4  Ferenc Katona, Hun   

Apr. 26, Marsala, ITA:
Female: fly: Giacoma Cordio, Ita  W 10 UD  Aurora De Persio, Ita
(vacant Italian female flyweight title)
scores: 97-93, 97-93 e 96-94
cr: Sergey Demchenko, Ita  W 6  Ignazio Di Bella, Ita/Mal
m: Antonino Crimi, Ita  W 6  Heinrich Coorssen, Par
* (birth name: Heinrich Coorssen Caceres)
sl: Mihail Burlac, Mol/Ita  TKO 6  Gilberto Centra, Ita
w: Mario Giovanni Zolli, Ita  W 4  Christian Danilo Guido, Arg/Mal

Per-Åke Persson