

15/10/2012 - 22.53.06


for the vacant WBA Inter-Continental

Hardpunching German lightheavy [Dustin Dirks], 25-0 (19), goes for his first title November 3 in Halle / Westfalen when he face Brazilian Cleiton Conceicao for the vacant WBA I/C title in a supporting bout to Huck vs Arslan.

Dirks is indeed unbeaten and have knocked out most of his opponents in impressive fashion but August 25 in Berlin against Czech journeyman Sandro Siproshvili he had an off night altogether and was badly stunned in the fifth and on the verge of being stopped but somehow he came through it and as it was Sandro punched himself out and finally told his corner to retire him - with the referee telling him to shut up - but then the cornermen got the message and the towel came in.

-It was a good experience for me, says Dirks in a press release from Sauerland, but I showed strong character and at the end I won clearly. And I´m sure it was an exciting fight for the audience.

By  Per-Åke Persson