

09/01/2013 - 9.06.28



Resolution Female Boxing

Flyweight Division
Susi Kentikian Protest of Loss to Carina Moreno on Dec. 1, 2012

by - Jan 8, 2013

 Carina Moreno, Felix Sturm and Susi Kentikian


Resolution Female Boxing
Flyweight Division
Susi Kentikian Protest of Loss to Carina Moreno on December 1, 2012
A. Background:
Carina Moreno obtained the Flyweight Title on December 1, 2012. The fight took place in Dusseldorf, Germany.
On December 3, 2012 we have received an official complaint concerning the decision of the bout between Susi Kentikian and Carina Moreno which took place on December 1, 2012.
According to Rule C. 26 (Championships) a bout decision may be contested by a boxer if within ten (10) days of the decision the boxer submits payment of a $10,000.00 fee and a concise statement by the boxer or his authorized agent setting forth the grounds on which the challenge has been brought, arguments and authority in support, and identification of other persons with a material interest likely to be affected by a decision on the challenge.
The complaint was launched by Mr. Thomas Puetz , President of the German Federation on behalf of Susi Kentikian and her Manager Mr. Felix Sturm.
On December 5, both managers were notified that we were reviewing the fight and we asked for a video tape of the fight.
The fight was reviewed on December 8, 2012 by a panel of 10 Judges.
B. Analysis: After reviewing the fight, the judges concluded that the fight was extremely closed and a rematch will be justified. The Supervisor’s Report also indicates that it was a very closed fight and a rematch is justified and recommended.
C. Decision:
After reviewing the material submitted by the parties, the Committee finds that there is sufficient evidence before it to indicate that the Appeal by Mr. Felix Sturm will be granted. The Fee of 10,000.00 which is applied to Contested Results will be waived in this case.
A party may request that this decision be reconsidered or appealed under applicable WBA Rules. If no request for reconsideration is received before December 20, 2012, a rematch between Susi Kentikian and Carina Moreno should take place within 90 days from December 20, 2012. The Free negotiation period will end on January 20, 2013. If an agreement is not reach prior to the end of the free negotiation period, the Championship Committee will call a Purse Bid.
Date: December 10, 2012
George Martinez
Female Boxing Committee Director