Johnny Eames Signs Top Navy Amateur Ricky Rose
By Gianluca (Rio) Di Caro
With two highly successful promotions under his belt, Johnny Eames has been busy scouring the amateur scene for future stars, for his TRAD TKO Events promotional outfit.
Exceptional former Navy boxer Ricky Rose becomes the latest amateur star to sign professional papers with the savvy East London legend’s expanding empire.

Ricky Rose signs with Johnny Eames at the TRAD TKO in London / photo: Gianluca (Rio) Di Caro
Following signing with the esteemed Mr. Eames young Ricky spoke briefly about his amateur career and his decision to turn over.
“I started boxing at the age of ten, my dad (Keith Rose) got me into it and inspired me to take up boxing at an early age.
I loved it, first time I went to the gym I just sat there and watched everyone train, realised I loved it and went from there.
I started competing, winning a few of my fights and went into the schoolboy championships for the first time at the age of twelve, yeah won my first national championship at the age of twelve.
My dad trained me at the Golden Gloves Gym, in Medway, Kent, went on from there to St Mary’s, again won the schoolboys there, followed by the Four Nations.
I stayed there for a few years until I started working, after starting working I soon learned just how hard it is to keep up the training let alone competing, so I joined the Military, The Royal Marine Commandos, because I knew I would be able to still box.
I loved it, I had great training, firstly with Stu O’Connor and then by Graham Aldersen, it really paid off, In the Seniors I boxed for England twice, but never got the chance to box into the ABAs, due to my Military commitments.
Got in the combines but always got robbed, I mean there’s so much rivalry between the Navy and Army that sometimes the judging was a bit suspect.
My last fight I had in the combines was against Martin Stead, he was a three time ABA Champion. Everyone thought I won it, I thought I won it.
Four and a half years I stayed in there for, as well as boxing on the team full time also did a tour in Afghanistan so I was doing a lot of soldiering as well as boxing, I loved it, it is intense but it was awesome.
As I said I spent four and half years in there and I’m twenty three now so feel it’s time for me to go into the pro game, so joined Johnny (Eames) at the TRAD TKO.
John Murray introduced to the TRAD TKO when I was in the Navy, he introduced me to the guys up here. Come up here and loved it, it’s ideal, it’s about a half hour commute in the morning, which isn’t too drastic.
You come here and put the effort in you get back everything and more you put into it.
I’ve signed with Johnny, but before I start my pro career I’m going to do a little travelling, I’m off to Asia next month to get it out of my system before committing full time to the boxing.
I’ll be going there for a couple of months and then when I come back I’ll be straight into the training camp for my pro debut.”
For further information or interviews please contact:
Gianluca (Rio) Di Caro
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