By Ben Thompson - fighthype.com
Moments ago, at the American Bank Cente in Corpus Christi, Texas, undefeated jr. middleweight Demetrius Andrade added the title "champion" to his name, defeating Vanes Martirosyan via split decision and capturing the WBO jr. middleweight title in the process. After suffering a knockdown in the first round, Andrade quickly regained his composure and dominated the remainder of the fight behind a solid jab. Relive all the action in FightHype's round-by-round results.
Both guys come out pawing with their jabs. Andrade lands a good right hook in the corner. Left hand from Andrade is partially blocked. Adrade gets in a left to the body. Vanes answers with one of his own. HARD right hand lands for Vanes and Andrade is down. Wow. Nice counter shot from Vanes. Andrade is up. Another right hand gets in for Vanes. Round to Maritorsyan.
Martirosyan 10 Andrade 8
Left hand a HARD uppercut lands for Andrade and Vanes backs up. Andrade peppers him with the jab. Vanes circles cautiously on the outside. Right hook lands for Andrade. Nice right to the body lands for Vanes. Right hook lands for Andrade. Vanes gets in a right, but he eats a left from Andrade. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 19 Andrade 18
1-2 gets in for Vanes. Right to the body lands for Vanes. Andrade grazes him with a right hook. 1-2 gets in for Vanes again. Nice right hand lands for Vanes. Andrade answers with a left. Another right lands for Vanes. Andrade doubles up with his jab. Andrade lands a few more jabs. Round to Vanes for landing the more telling shots.
Martirosyan 29 Andrade 27
Andrade lands a couple of rabbit punches. Vanes misses with a left hook and gets peppered with some jabs. Left hand down the middle lands for Andrade. Another left lands for Andrade. Vanes gets in a right. Left and a right hook lands for Andrade. A couple more jabs land for Andrade. Vanes gets in a right. Nice right to the body lands for Vanes. Left hook lands for Vanes. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 38 Andrade 37
Stiff left down the middle lands for Andrade. Vanes circles on the outside waiting to counter. Double jab lands for Andrade. Right hook lands for Andrade. Vanes digs a hard right to the body. Right hand lands for Vanes. Overhand right lands for Andrade. Vanes digs to the body again. Left to the body followed by a left upstairs lands for Andrade. A couple jabs followed by some right hooks land for Andrade. Vanes gets in a right to the body. Left hand down the middle lands for Andrade. Vanes sneaks in a hook upstairs. Right lands for Vanes. Andrade answers with a left hook. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 47 Andrade 47
Andrade landing his jab with ease right now. Nice left lands for Andrade. Vanes answers with one of his own. Another left hand lands for Andrade. BIG right hook lands for Andrade and Vanes looks hurt. A couple more solid shots land for Andrade. They trade to the body. Double jab and a left lands for Andrade. Another left lands for Andrade and Vanes backs up. And another left lands for Andrade. Andrade lands a left. BIG left hook lands again for Andrade. Good round for Andrade.
Martirosyan 56 Andrade 57
Andrade peppers him with some jabs. Right hook lands for Andrade. Vanes sneaks in his own right. Left hand down the middle lands for Andrade. Some more jabs land for Andrade. Vanes grazes him with a right. Stiff jab lands for Andrade. Another jab lands for Andrade. Nice right gets in for Vanes. Left down the middle lands for Andrade. Better round for Vanes, but he's still getting outworked by Andrade.
Martirosyan 65 Andrade 67
1-2 lands for Andrade. Vanes digs a right to the body. Right upstairs gets in for Vanes. Andrade backs him up wiht his jab. 1-2 lands for Andrade again. Vanes lands a left. Right hand lands for Vanes. Andrade doubles up on his jab. Short left hook lands for Vanes. Another left hook gets in for Vanes. Round to Vanes.
Martirosyan 75 Andrade 76
Andrade fires his jab. Vanes digs some nice shots to the body. Left hand lands for Andrade. Right hand lands for Vanes. Andrade lands a left down the middle. Nice right lands for Vanes, but Andrade returns the favor. Another left and a right hook lands for Andrade. Overhand right lands for Andrade. Another right hook lands for Andrade. Left hand from Andrade snaps the head back of Vanes. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 84 Andrade 86
Nice 1-2 lands for Andrade. Two right hooks land for Andrade. Another BIG right hook lands for Andrade. They trade rights. Andrade walking Vanes down. Right to the body lands for Vanes. Andrade rakes him with a 1-2 upstairs. They trade rights again. Andrade gets in a left to the body. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 93 Andrade 96
Vanes gets in an uppercut. Andrade lands a nice 3-punch combo. Left hand lands for Andrade. Vanes getting peppered with the jab from Andrade. Quick left lands for Andrade. Right and a left lands for Andrade. Vanes gets in a right of his own. Left down the middle lands for Andrade. Short right hook lands for Andrade. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 102 Andrade 106
Vanes circling on the outside. Left lands for Andrade. Right hook lands for Andrade. Left hook lands for Andrade. Right hook lands for Andrade. Short left hook lands for Andrade. Another left and a right lands for Andrade. Vanes just can't get anything going. They trade some shots on the inside. Vanes fires a combo, but everything is blocked. Jab lands for Andrade. Right hook lands for Andrade followed by a left. Round to Andrade.
Martirosyan 111 Andrade 116
Official judges scorecards: 115-112 (Martirosyan), 114-113 (Andrade), 117-110 (Andrade)
Source: www.fighthype.com/news/article15558.html

Chris Farina/Top Rank