Hero Boxer Manny Muhammad In Action At York Hall, London On August 2nd
Championship Boxing
2nd AUGUST 2014
York Hall, London
By Gianluca (Rio) Di Caro
London – Tuesday, 8th July 2014
Luton, UK based American Boxer Manny Muhammad is set to feature on the upcoming Shyam Batra SSE promoted CALL OF DUTY event, which takes place at York Hall in Bethnal Green, London on Saturday 2nd August.
This will be the first time Manny has been in action, since his widely covered heroic rescue of Reverend Mike Jones, who was trapped under a car following an accident in May this year.
Back in March Manny won his first pro bout, with a sensational against the odds victory over previously unbeaten Vaidas Balciauskas, which rocketed the former pro Basketball player up the rankings.
Manny Muhammad in action against Vaidas Balciauskas in March this year / photo: Gianluca (Rio) Di Caro
But since then the Florida, USA born Super Middleweight has struggled to get any fights, but that all changed after a friend recommended him to promoter Shyam Batra, who added him to the August 2nd card in an instant.
Speaking at the weekend the amiable American spoke briefly about the upcoming bout, as well as his sensational debut victory.
“This is going to be an exciting show, I just can’t wait, I’m itching to get back in the ring.
I’ve been waiting to get another fight since the last one on March 1st, I did have offers for a couple of fights since then, but both shows got cancelled, so quite frustrated not being in the ring, but that’s boxing you know, sometimes events get cancelled.
 I was due to fight on May 31st, but with Groves-Froch 2 being just down the road at Wembley, the promoter really didn’t have any choice but to cancel, I understood completely that he cancelled, there’s no way you can compete against such a massive show as that.
I’ve been staying in shape, so I’m ready to go and do another job on whoever they match me with.
The first fight was a kinda challenge for me, I really had to get up for the fight as he doesn’t know how to lose, he’d never been beaten before, but obviously I came out on top.
That suited me, the bigger the task, the better the performance for me , that’s how I get down.
At the moment it’s Ramadan season so I’m fasting all day, I’m having to train at eleven thirty, twelve at night, all my sparring and running is also late at night.
I love challenges, you know, when things are easy I don’t show up, when’s it’s tough, that’s when the best Manny turns up.
I’m looking at this as another challenge and intend to be victorious on August 2nd.
I’d like to say a big thanks to my fans for their support, you know all the people that came out last time to support me, I really want to give you a huge thank you and come out and support me on August 2nd as it’s going to be a great show.”
Manny Muhammad, against a yet to be named opponent, features on the Shyam Batra SSE Promoted CALL OF DUTY event at York Hall in Bethnal Green, London on Saturday 2nd August 2014.
Tickets, priced £35 (standard) and £60 (Ringside) are available from the boxers taking part, on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com or call the ticket lines on 07960 850645 or 07742 160228.
For further information or interviews please contact:
Gianluca (Rio) Di Caro
JustListen2This Publicity & Promotion
Tel: (UK) +44( 0)208 166 5694
Tel: (UK) +44 (0)7960 850645
Tel: (UK) +44 (0) 7557 641597
Skype: GianlucaDiCaro
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