Male Serbia, Belgrade Born: 1 July 1983, Belgrade, Serbia, Yugoslavia Height: 6ft 1in, mt 1,85 Weight: 178, 183 lbs
No amateur results
Professional record | 2006 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - May 19 | Stefano Abatangelo | Chivasso, Italy | L 6 | | | 2007 Inactive | | 2008 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Apr. 30 | Cristian Marchetti | Piacenza, Italy | TKO by 3 | - June 28 | Nikola Sjekloca | Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina | L 6 | + Dec. 5 | Slavomir Dendis | Berane, Montenegro | TKO 2 | | 2009 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + May 21 | Imrich Borka | Berane, Montenegro | KO 4 | + June 28 | Stelian Voicu | Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina | W 4 | - Dec. 5 | Artur Hein | Ludwigsburg, Germany | KO by 5 | | 2010 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Jan. 30 | Giuseppe Loffredo | Ugento, Italy | L 6 | - Mar. 20 | Danilo D’AGATA | Belpasso, Italy | L 6 | - May 28 | Laid Ait CHAOUCHE | Levallois Perret, France | KO by 3 | + Oct. 2 | Peter Hegyes | Cacak, Serbia | W 4 | - Nov. 6 | Abdelkahim Derghal | Fourmies, France | L 6 | - Dec. 18 | Erik Skoglund | Berlin, Germany | TKO by 1 (Rtd) | | 2011 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Apr. 10 | Zeljko Miric | Kanjiza, Serbia | W 6 | - Apr. 23 | Gabriel Lecrosnier | Saint-Lô, France | L 4 | + Sept. 8 | Dusan Djordjevic | Senta, Serbia | TKO 3 | + Sept. 30 | Ivan Ivanovic | Belgrade, Serbia | KO 1 | - Nov. 5 | Thierry Karl | Saint-Quentin, France | KO by 1 | - Dec. 26 | Orial Kolaj | Roma, Italy | TKO by 3 | | 2012 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Mar. 24 | Jamel Haddaji | Mantova, Italy | TKO by 1 | - May 18 | Spas Genov | Sofia, Bulgaria | TKO by 3 | - Sept. 22 | Simen Smaadal | Frederikshavn, Denmark | KO by 1 | - Dec. 2 | Emil Markic | Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina | TKO by 3 | - Dec. 15 | Zvjezdan Vidakovic | Zrenjanin, Serbia | L 6 | - Dec. 23 | Stjepan Vugdelija | Split, Croatia | TKO by 3 | | 2013 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | = Apr. 20 | Misa Nikolic | Belgrade, Serbia | Draw 6 | + May 20 | Dragan Djurovic | Belgrade, Serbia | TKO 2 | - July 6 | Loris Emiliani | Civitavecchia, Italy | L 6 | - Nov. 16 | Konstantin Semerdjiev | Vratsa, Bulgaria | L 10 | + Dec. 1 | Dragan Djurovic | Becej, Serbia | TKO 3 | - Dec. 13 | Akim Chioui | Nouzonville, France | L 6 | | 2014 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Feb. 15 | Laid Ait Chaouche | Agde, France | L 6 | - Mar. 1 | Akim Chioui | Montcy-Notre-Dame, France | L 6 | - Apr. 5 | Mehdi Amar | Henin-Beaumont, France | L 6 | | 2015 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - Nov. 7 | Luca Podda | Milano, Italy | L 6 | | 2016 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | + Jan. 30 | Filip Jovanovic | Belgrade, Serbia | TKO 3 | - Apr. 24 | Benito Cannata | Palermo, Italy | TKO by 3 | - Sept. 16 | Simone Federici | Mantova, Italy | TKO by 3 | | | 2017 Inactive | | 2018 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - July 13 | Francesco Cataldo | Pomezia, Italy | L 6 | - Dec. 8 | Sergey Demchenko | Roma, Italy | TKO by 2 | | 2019 | Date | Opponent | Place | Result | - May 25 | Stefano Abatangelo | Torino, Italy | TKO by 5 | - Dec. 21 | Simone Federici | Palombara Sabina, Italy | TKO by 3 |
Total bouts: 42, Won: 10 (7 inside the limit), Lost: 31 (16 inside the limit), Draw: 1, NC: 0, ND: 0