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Record details

Gustav Eder


Germany, Dortmund
Born: 25 December 1907, Bielefeld, Germany
Died: 6 February 1992

No amateur results


Professional record

+ Mar. 11 Fritz EnselDortmund, Germany W 4
+ Mar. 31GruberEssen, Germany W 6
+ Apr. 18John MuellerHagen, Germany KO 1
+ June 10Paul SteffgenDortmund, Germany W 6
= Aug. 26Albert SensenCologne, Germany Draw 8
= Sept. 2Max MattheusHamburg, GermanyDraw 8
+ Sept. 16Alex TomkowiakGelsenkirchen, Germany W 8
+ Oct. 1Marcel ThouveninCologne, Germany W 6
= Oct. 14 Henri DupontHamburg, GermanyDraw 8
- Dec. 6Michel RiondBerlin, GermanyL 8
+ Jan. 16Victor PrawikBonn, Germany W 4
+ Feb. 3Jules SipsDortmund, Germany W 6
+ Feb. 17Albert SensenHamm, Germany W 10
- Mar. 15 Leen SandersBerlin, GermanyL 8
= Sept. 7Willy MohrIserlohn, Germany Draw 10
- Sept. 25 Leen SandersAntwerpen, Belgium L 10
+ Oct. 18Rudolf BoguhnBerlin, GermanyKO 4
- Nov. 29Charlie TonnerBerlin, GermanyLDQ 5
+ Dec. 14Paul RichterBerlin, GermanyW 8
+ Dec. 27 Otto LauerBerlin, GermanyW 8
+ Jan. 10Walter PeterBerlin, GermanyW 8
= Jan. 31Young SpearsBerlin, GermanyDraw 8
- Feb. 6 Franta NekolnySchoeneberg, Germany L 8
+ Mar. 28Gaston DeveuxCologne, Germany W 8
+ Apr. 6 Hans WieserDortmund, Germany KO 5
+ Apr. 13Paul WommelsdorfHamm, Germany W 8
= May 16Frankie PaulBerlin, GermanyDraw 8
+ Aug. 8Helmut SchulzHamburg, GermanyW 15
German Welterweight Title
+ Oct. 12Martin BarbotteuxDortmund, Germany W 8
= Oct. 31Konrad SteinSchoeneberg, Germany Draw 8
+ Nov. 9 Tommy PoetschDortmund, Germany KO 1
- Dec. 3 Gustave RothFrankfurt, Germany L 15
European Welterweight Title
+ Jan. 23Erwin VolkmarBerlin, GermanyW 8
+ Feb. 27Louis MeulebroeckBerlin, GermanyKO 3
+ Mar. 27Konrad SteinBerlin, GermanyKO 7
German Welterweight Title
+ Apr. 19Raymond ChotteauBielefeld, Germany KO 2
+ Apr. 22 Aime RaphaelParis, France W 10
+ May 15 Peter HanaBerlin, GermanyW 8
- Aug. 30 Gustave RothBerlin, Germany L 15
European Welterweight Title
+ Oct. 11 Camille DesmedtDortmund, Germany W 10
+ Dec. 6Fred GreenDortmund, Germany KO 2
+ Mar. 1James GirardinBerlin, GermanyKO 8
- Mar. 24 Gunnar AnderssonGothenburg, Sweden L 10
+ Aug. 29 Gunnar AnderssonGothenburg, Sweden TKO 8
= Sept. 10 Jupp BesselmannDortmund, Germany Draw 12
German Welterweight Title
- Jan. 6 Edouard TenetParis, France L 10
+ Feb. 17Erwin VolkmarBerlin, GermanyKO 3
+ May 6Willy MohrLuedenscheid, Germany KO 6
+ June 30 Franta NekolnyCologne, Germany KO 9
+ July 21Gypsy TrollmannBerlin, GermanyKO 5
+ Aug. 5 Jupp BesselmannCologne, Germany KO 6
German Welterweight Title
+ Sept. 8 Eugene DrouhinNeukoelln, Germany W 8
+ Oct. 27 Hans SeifriedBerlin, GermanyW 8
+ Nov. 19Walter KlockhausBremen, GermanyKO 1
German Welterweight Title
+ Dec. 1 Adrien AnneetSchoeneberg, Germany W 10
+ Dec. 26 Hein DomgoergenCologne, Germany KO 9
+ Jan. 17 Louis SaerensDüsseldorf, Germany KO 5
+ Jan. 26 Fred BoelckBerlin, GermanyKO 7
+ Feb. 23 Gaston LeCadreBerlin, GermanyW 10
+ Mar. 4 Len SmithHamburg, GermanyKO 4
+ Apr. 8 Clemente MeroniHamburg, GermanyW 12
- Apr. 22 Vittorio VenturiRoma, Italy L 12
+ June 8 Nestor CharlierBerlin, GermanyKO 11
vacant European Welterweight Title
+ June 29Claude BassinBerlin, GermanyW 10
= Sept. 2 Vittorio VenturiZurich, Switzerland Draw 15
European Welterweight Title
+ Sept. 14 Camille DesmedtBerlin, GermanyW 10
+ Oct. 5 Francois SybilleBerlin, GermanyW 15
European Welterweight Title
+ Nov. 3 Aldo MenabeniCologne, Germany KO 7
+ Dec. 8 Huib HuizenaarCologne, Germany W 10
+ Jan. 11 Einar AggerholmCopenhagen, Denmark KO 2
European Welterweight Title
+ Mar. 29 Archie SextonBerlin, GermanyW 10
+ May 5 Karl BlahoDortmund, Germany KO 5
European Welterweight Title
+ June 29 Vittorio VenturiHamburg, GermanyW 15
European Welterweight Title
+ Sept. 5 Eduard HrabakPrague, CzechoslovakiaKO 5
European Welterweight Title
+ Nov. 11 Felix WoutersSchoeneberg, Germany KO 9
European Welterweight Title
+ Dec. 1 Oddone PiazzaCologne, Germany KO 4
+ Dec. 9 Hilario MartinezSchoeneberg, Germany W 15
European Welterweight Title
+ Feb. 3 Kid TuneroParis, France W 10
+ Feb. 28 Gustave RothBerlin, GermanyW 12
+ May 2Ray NapolitanoBrooklyn, United States W 10
+ May 19Alvaro de SilvaBrooklyn, United States TKO 5
+ June 17Jay MacedonNewark, United States TKO 7
- June 23 Johnny ClintonLong Island City, United StatesL 10
+ Aug. 12 Jimmy LetoBrooklyn, United States KO 9
+ Aug. 31Mickey SerrianWoodhaven, United StatesW 15
- Sept. 21 Izzy JannazzoNew York, United States L 15
+ Dec. 11George PurchaseSchoeneberg, Germany KO 9
+ Feb. 4 Cleto LocatelliSchoeneberg, Germany W 12
+ Mar. 5 Al BakerSchoeneberg, Germany W 12
+ Apr. 10 Mario CasadeiStuttgart, Germany W 10
+ May 12 Al BakerCologne, Germany KO 11
+ June 26 Nestor CharlierBerlin, GermanyW 10
+ July 11 Bep van KlaverenRotterdam, Netherlands KO 8
+ Aug. 6 Charles PernotBerlin, GermanyW 12
+ Sept. 4 Fausto RossiDüsseldorf, Germany W 12
+ Sept. 11 Ercole BurattiCologne, Germany W 12
+ Oct. 1 Alfredo OldoiniCharlottenburg, Germany W 12
+ Nov. 27 Alfred KatterSchoeneberg, Germany KO 2
German Welterweight Title
- Jan. 14 Anton ChristoforidisSchoeneberg, Germany L 12
- Feb. 16 Felix WoutersBrussels, Belgium L 15
vacant IBU Welterweight Title
= May 6 Anton ChristoforidisSchoeneberg, Germany Draw 12
+ June 2 Carmelo CandelBerlin, GermanyKO 7
= Aug. 26 Felix WoutersBerlin, GermanyDraw 15
European Welterweight Title
= Oct. 15 Izzy JannazzoHamburg, GermanyDraw 15
= Jan. 13 Saverio TurielloBerlin, GermanyDraw 12
+ Feb. 12Alex HuditschDortmund, Germany TKO 4
German Welterweight Title
+ Mar. 18 Armando AlessandriniKönigsberg, GermanyW 10
+ May 10 Omar KouidriBerlin, GermanyW 10
+ June 3 Sten SuvioLeipzig, Germany W 12
+ June 30Nicolai StepulowBerlin, GermanyKO 4
+ Aug. 25 Sten SuvioBerlin, GermanyW 12
+ Nov. 3 Karel MullerNeukoelln, Germany W 10
+ Nov. 17 Hans NorbertBerlin, GermanyKO 1
German Welterweight Title
+ Dec. 8 Erwin BruchCharlottenburg, Germany KO 7
+ Feb. 3Ivan StelzerCharlottenburg, Germany KO 3
+ Mar. 2Willy GurrayCharlottenburg, Germany TKO 5
= Aug. 16 Jupp BesselmannFriedrichshain, Germany Draw 12
German Middleweight Title
+ Oct. 20Mielu DoculescuCharlottenburg, Germany TKO 1
+ Nov. 11 Walter MuellerLeipzig, Germany KO 10
+ Dec. 26 Amedeo DejanaStuttgart, Germany W 10
+ Mar. 23 Bruno AhlbergCharlottenburg, Germany W 10
+ May 4 Hans DrescherHamburg, GermanyKO 7
= May 8 Carl AndersenCopenhagen, Denmark Draw 12
- May 22 Michele PalermoRoma, Italy L 10
+ Aug. 24Georg SporerMitte, Germany W 8
+ Sept. 14Fritz QuoosDen Haag, Netherlands KO 1
+ Oct. 5Georg SporerCharlottenburg, Germany W 8
+ Oct. 19Eduard PeterLeipzig, Germany W 10
- Dec. 2 Luc van DamRotterdam, Netherlands L 10
+ Dec. 26 Henry NielsenLeipzig, Germany W 10
+ Feb. 1 Robert DischCharlottenburg, Germany W 8
+ Mar. 22Georg SporerLeipzig, Germany W 12
German Welterweight Title
+ Apr. 5 Koos de PauwCharlottenburg, Germany KO 2
+ Sept. 6Arnold RaadscheldersCharlottenburg, Germany W 8
+ Sept. 27 Jan de PauwHannover, Germany KO 2
+ Oct. 4Kees GraaflandCharlottenburg, Germany KO 1
+ Nov. 29Walter ChraskaLeipzig, Germany KO 1
+ Dec. 13 Luc van DamCharlottenburg, Germany W 10
+ Dec. 20Willy Van EenooCharlottenburg, Germany TKO 3
+ Apr. 30Angel LoaresCharlottenburg, Germany KO 7
+ May 21 Arie de JongCharlottenburg, Germany TKO 2
+ Dec. 2 Fritz GahrmeisterBerlin, GermanyKO 7
+ Jan. 13Arno PrzybilskiMitte, Germany KO 4
= Apr. 7 Erich CampeMitte, Germany Draw 6
+ June 23 Freddi TeichmannMitte, Germany KO 3
German Welterweight Title
+ Aug. 26Ferdinand RaeschkeHamburg, GermanyKO 3
German Welterweight Title
+ Sept. 28Alois UlderichHamburg, GermanyKO 10
German Welterweight Title
+ Oct. 16Arnold RaadscheldersHamburg, GermanyW 8
+ Nov. 24 Erich CampeNeukoelln, Germany W 12
German Welterweight Title
- Jan. 25 Dietrich HucksHamburg, GermanyKO by 1
German Middleweight Title
+ May 15Alois UlderichHamburg, GermanyW 12
German Welterweight Title
+ July 10Rolf DiekmannNeukoelln, Germany W 12
German Welterweight Title
= Aug. 16 Walter BlumenthalHannover, Germany Draw 12
German Welterweight Title
= Oct. 5Herbert NurnbergHalle, Germany Draw 8
= Apr. 18Ronald FrankeLeipzig, Germany Draw 8
= May 30Heinz SanderHannover, Germany Draw 12
German Welterweight Title
= Aug. 22 Leo StaroschWestend, Germany Draw 12
German Welterweight Title
+ Oct. 23 Leo StaroschCologne, Germany KO 9
= Mar. 11Rudi NeumannDüsseldorf, Germany Draw 8
= Apr. 18Hermann VermeulenMünster, Germany Draw 8
+ May 6Thomas BraunGelsenkirchen, Germany KO 3
= June 17 Hans SchmitzDüsseldorf, Germany Draw 12
German Welterweight Title



Total bouts: 162, Won: 121 (59 inside the limit), Lost: 17 (1 inside the limit), Draw: 24, NC: 0, ND: 0